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Afghanistan Libre, founded in 1996 by CHEKEBA HACHEMI, aspire to help Afghan women and girls and their children by developing actions aimed at directly improving their living conditions so that they can find an active place in the reconstruction of Afghanistan.


Afghanistan is still considered “the worst country to live as a woman” and, in 2014, still “the worst for giving birth and being born”. Afghan women see their fundamental rights threatened on a daily basis. Afghanistan Libre aims to promote their autonomy, enable them to access their rights and be active in the sustainable development of their country. We believe that this can be achieved through access to education, health awareness, psychosocial monitoring and socio-economic and cultural activities.


Our interventions are based on the principles of impartiality and non-discrimination in social, religious or political life. We have adopted a participatory, integrated and sustainable approach. Our work is based on the recognition that community participation is of primary importance. The legitimacy of Afghanistan Libre’s action is therefore based on a permanent dialogue with local actors so that their needs are clearly identified. The strength of Afghanistan Libre lies in this strong and long-standing territorial anchoring, and in the ability of its local team, entirely Afghan, to lead the way to empowerment of the association’s beneficiaries. 

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